Saturday, August 14, 2021

Self-Love & Care


Self-love and Self-care in my opinion is one of the most difficult things to prioritize because we are creatures of habits of helping our friends first before ourselves. As much as you want to be there for others, it is important to prioritize your health and learn to give the same energy you give to others to yourself. The friends you meet that truly care will be very understanding if you take time to focus on yourself and thrive to be the best version of yourself.  It’s also difficult to prioritize yourself considering we are constantly working without taking any breaks which can lead to a potential burnout. Once we feel burnt out we have no motivation or energy to do anything. It's okay to feel burnt out because it happens to all of us. However, take a short break to do stuff you enjoy and are passionate about. 

I struggled with self love and self care the most because my natural caring instincts of  wanting to be there for others before myself. I wanted to show my friends and family can rely on me for support and help. It definitely took a toll on my mindset because I couldn't sleep well and started to have bad eating habits but it was worth it. Eventually I started to learn to care/love myself more because if I don’t take care of myself how will I take care of others. I learned to balance my caring personality and my health which made me a lot happier. It allowed me to do stuff I held off for a long time. 

In conclusion, no matter how much time and effort you put into your work, be sure to take breaks and spend time with your family, friends, and do stuff you enjoy without any distractions. Once you learn to love yourself and take care of yourself you will be in a healthy mindset and happier. It’s a long adventure of learning to self-love and self-care but it will show how much you have matured and grown. Be patient with yourself and others. 

“We have one life to enjoy the things we have and experience the world so take care of your mental health and focus on you because there is only one you in this world.” 

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