Monday, June 21, 2021

Crossing Path

When I think of the word “cross-path” I think of people who walk in your life unexpectedly that made an impact in your life. There are many people in my life that made my life better through their genuine kindness and interactions. When I wasn’t thinking properly or in the right mindset, my friends were always there to help me get through it and listen to everything I had to say. I didn’t know my life would change for the better by meeting so many individuals online and it felt surreal meeting them in person. Lately, I have wondered how my life would have been different if I stopped interacting with the people I met online. I questioned what would happen if I never crossed paths with them or interacted with them on a daily basis. It’s these thoughts that would linger in the back of my mind when I am alone in a quiet setting.

During my journey, I have crossed paths with so many wonderful people that formed genuine friendship and interactions. It’s these interactions that keep me going in life and sane because friendships like these are hard to find nowadays. The bond I form online is an unbreakable bond because no matter where we are in this world or how far we have gone in life, they will always be unconditionally supporting you through any decision you make especially the difficult ones. I will forever be grateful to the people I crossed paths with in life because they push me to my best and see the potential in me that no one else does.

In conclusion, I learned that no matter what happens next, the friends you make online will show you a world from a different perspective that you couldn’t possibly imagine. The friends you make online will also teach you many life skills that will be very useful to know and when that time comes, you’ll be ready. It’s refreshing to know that no matter how long it takes for you to return, you will always be loved, cherished, welcomed, and remembered.

“ Life is truly better when you cross path with people you can joke, laugh, cry and smile

Because those friends are worth keeping forever”

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