Monday, November 16, 2020

Mental Health

I was inspired to write this piece because many people I know are going through a rough time during the months of being in quarantine and feeling lost of not knowing what to do in life anymore which cause them to go into a depressed state or in a path of darkness that will be hard to come out from.

I believe that dealing with mental health is one of the most important issues in this world because not a lot of people will understand what others go through and blindly say stuff that won't be helpful or useful at all. Even though you as a person are trying to help them with their internal battles, it doesn't always work because they have like a wall they built that's very hard to penetrate. Some words may get through but it's not enough, but your effort isn't for nothing because they know you are there for them but they rather deal with their internal battles alone and will reach out to you if they want your guidance or assistance. One thing to learn is don’t put yourself into a situation where you want to help them because they rather go through this battle at their own pace and if you continuously try to help or intervene it will eventually take a toll on you that will leave you restless or stressed out. A second thing to learn is that if you know a friend or anyone who is struggling with their mental health, please check on them and making sure they are okay because they are very good at hiding their emotions and faking it until the very end. It affects their mindset heavily because it shifts their goals in life, interaction with other people, and work environment towards a different direction that causes them to be more aggressive, emotionally, and not being able to think clearly.

Mental health is very important for people to understand and not to joke about because there are many people battling their internal thoughts that are more negative than positive because they’ll think that they’re worthless, there’s no point in life, and nothing is going right for them. All of these thoughts are simultaneously spinning through their mind constantly and it feels like a battle that they will never win because no one understands what they are going through that will leave them in a depressed state for days, months, or even years. It takes a lot of time, healing, confidence, and trust to tell people about their internal battles because they want to tell people that are trustworthy, have the ability to listen and understand what they are trying to say without interfering.

After witnessing and learning many of my friend’s stories about their internal battles, I’m extremely grateful to know their story and what they had to go through to get to the place they are now. I’m grateful that they are continuing to keep going in life while fighting their internal thoughts. I want everyone to know that mental issues never go away because it can be easily triggered by your words and actions so please be aware of what you say to others and think before you say something or don’t say it at all. Also if a person trusts you with their story please keep it to yourself as well and respect their wishes if they don’t want anyone else to know because trust is hard to come by these days.

                                                To my friends and family

  •  You’re worth it

  • You’re precious

  • Keep going

  • Never give up

  • You’re never alone

  • You’re appreciated

But most importantly you matter in this world so don’t feel like you don’t and be proud of what you’ve accomplished in this world. I love you guys and I will always be there for you guys.

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