Saturday, July 25, 2020


Regret is a feeling that’s very common to have when you feel anxious about a decision you’re about to make that can either change your life for the better or worse. The outcome of your decision will only be known once you’ve finally made a choice. You often wonder to yourself if that decision was worth making, so it makes you doubtful. This sense of doubt would eventually lead you to make a decision that you might regret. When an individual makes their final decision, they often think to themselves over and over again to know if that decision was the correct one. Once the decision is made, they can move on with their lives without any regrets. In life, everyone has made many decisions that they regretted because they never wanted to take the risk of trying something new therefore would bite them later on. One reason that it’ll bite them later on in life because they would linger in the past about why they didn’t take the risk nor give it a chance so they would let that decision eat them up inside and feeling like life would be better if they made that decision.

The biggest regret anyone can have is with their own words because saying stuff you don’t mean to a close friend, family, or even someone you don’t know can be the most painful. Those spoken words can’t be taken back because the damage of those words isn’t easy to forget. Once those words are spoken, you feel a sense of guilt and regret because deep down inside you didn’t mean the words you said. It’s even harder to come out with an apology because it takes time for a person to be the bigger person to apologize for their actions and it leaves a burden when it’s unresolved. An individual not being able to apologize for their actions and leaving it unresolved can be their downfall and biggest regret because that incident will haunt them forever. It will take time for that individual to move on from that incident because it’s constantly in their minds thinking about what he/she have done better to deescalate the conflict.

In conclusion, there’s nothing wrong with having regrets along the way because life isn’t about being perfect nor making the right or wrong decision since the outcomes are endless. A person once told me that “Living with regrets is better than living in fear” which I agree with this statement because living in fear won’t allow you to move on with your life. It’s better to move on from your past and looking forward to your present and future because what’s ahead of your journey is more important than your regrets in the past. The regrets in the past teach you what to do when you’re in that situation again because learning through your past experiences is important in life.

“Live your life in your own way, there's going to be many faults along the way but hey that's what makes life so much more interesting"

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Everyone in this world goes through their own type of pain that no one can relate to because they have their own way to deal with pain. It’s known that people suffering the most are likely to hide it and focus on other people’s pain rather than their own pain. As they go through their own pain, they hope that one day their pain can finally be at ease with the help of others, unfortunately, it’ll be difficult because not many people are willing to do the same for that individual.

Pain is never avoidable because when you go on social media, there will always be news about something horrific that happens in your city, state, or even across the country. This type of news on social media leaves a person emotionally heartbroken and enraged because there are people who are heartless. Many people go through a lot of suffering when one of their family members passes away because they were the rock of the family and losing a family member is always the hardest. It’s a pain that won’t go away because it’s hard to be somewhere without seeing them; it feels like a place unknown to them.

The most important pain of them all is internal and external because everyone is constantly having a battle between the good and evil inside of their minds. In a quiet environment, people tend to have more negative thoughts because it’s easier to think about bad things than the good things in life. There’s always a clash between your positive and negative thoughts which can cause internal pain and their mental health all over the place. This type of pain can affect mentally because it’ll change how they feel, think, and the way they have interacted with others since their thoughts aren’t fully processed.

In conclusion, check up on your family, friends, or even a random stranger’s health because you may never know what they are going through and one simple checkup can make their day. One simple checkup can show a sign of relief and shows that there are people that care for them. It’s important to be there for them and try to understand their pain that’s flowing through their mind. Even if we don’t understand how they feel or the pain they went through, it’s better to know your presence is fully on them and nothing else. Pain is hard to go through alone, but that pain can be at ease if another individual is looking out for them.

                 Never let your pain break you down but let your pain make you stronger.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Tale of two personalities

There are people that are strong that will support anyone at their roughest and darkest time without any hesitation. As much as they’re strong, there’s one flaw in them; it’s the lack of expression to show how they really feel in an intense situation that lands on their face. It shows a sign of weakness and tries anything to cover up their weakness and flaws by pretending to smile or pretending everything is fine. Deep down inside, it’s actually hurting them so much that they forget their way of life. This person wants to do anything in their power to make sure everyone he cares about is okay and happy, but life doesn’t go as planned. If making people feel comfortable and happy is the way he wants to live, why does it hurt so much and stresses him out when it shouldn’t? It’s easy to be strong about anything but it’s hard when your mind isn’t 100% there. There’s also a side of weakness that’s hard to show because making a mistake is like the whole world just frowns upon you. Just from one mistake, the whole world turns against you. It’s impossible to live in a world where people won’t judge us for voicing our opinions that happened on social media. When you’re able to state an opinion; they make it seem like it’s your fault. It’s like this one mistake defines our life and worth. People are very quick to say negative things because that’s the number one answer to everything in life. It’s hard to solve an issue or defend yourself if people aren’t willing to communicate with one another. “Communication is still lost in this world, as it’s waiting to be found.”

As time passes by I learned that I tend to care too much for anyone that's been a part of my journey. I’ll always try my best to keep them happy and comfort them from their problems and bad days. Although, I learned that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t because not everyone will be willing to trust you that easily, it takes time to build trust with each other. I want to learn to care for others but not as much without having to worry about them so much and losing sleep that sometimes stresses me out. It leaves me in a dark place as I keep overthinking what I could’ve done more to comfort them. I want to be there for them no matter what but I need to learn to be there for myself first before anyone else’s. Since my life is important just like anyone else’s.