Thursday, May 21, 2020

Truth 2.0

They say that the "truth would set you free," but does it really set you free? Something that you've been hiding from an individual for a long period of time and when you finally start telling the truth to that individual, it finally makes you relieved or free from it. You can finally start to breathe again because telling the truth to that individual has taken the weights off of your shoulders and being able to move on in life without feeling stressed out. However, in reality the truth doesn't always set you free because there's always a sense of guilt for not telling that individual what's going on right away. This would lead to an unwanted argument about why that person didn't tell them the truth in the beginning and will eventually lead up to a loss of friendship and a little bit of communication.

In my opinion, I believe that the telling the truth is always a good thing because when you tell the truth that you've been bottling up for so long, it can be a sense of relief and the pressure that was on you is no longer there and you can finally start to breathe again. It feels like you can finally start living again once you tell the truth because you're able to focus on yourself without hiding anything from others. Despite all the pros of telling the truth, there are also some cons in telling the truth which is that people deceive others on purpose to get out of something they don't want to do and they would say they enjoy doing it even though they really don't. Another con of telling the truth is that it's a possibility that your friend would talk to you less because they heard the truth from someone they trusted the most and would rather prefer hearing the truth from someone they didn't know. It has been programmed in our minds that we should always tell the truth because it's always the right thing to do even if the truth hurts. Although, sometimes telling the truth can backfire because the individual's feelings would be hurt which is a consequence of being honest and it's something that's out of your control. Rumors are spread quickly like a forest fire because a lot of individuals are mainly on social media and they are able to spread the rumor through different platforms without even thinking about who it affects the most. However, this has been part of a norm in this generation because spreading lies is a way to become famous even though it can hurt the person they're spreading rumors about. A lot of individuals to believe everything they read online because they love the entertainment of someone getting bullied or victimized, and many of these individuals are followers instead of being a leader since they would spread that rumor just like the rest of these individuals. Once the victim knows about the rumors being spread online, the victim would tell the truth to all the people in the world, but there's no hope of telling the truth because a lot of individuals in this world are fixated to one side fo a story without even knowing about the other side of the story. It's hopeless for people to tell the truth when their voice can't be heard because the majority of these individuals are fixated to one side of the story and they believe that this one side of a story is all the evidence. An individual who has a desire of learning the truth should be willing to learn and listen to both sides of the story before making a decision without feeling biased towards someone they know over someone they don't know. Even if they learn both sides of the story, it's a known fact that a friend would lean towards their friend more because of their friendship they have but sometimes you can't always rely on friendship to learn the truth. It's important to learn the other person's story before you make any rash decisions because the truth can slip away if you never gave that person a chance to talk or prove their innocence.

In conclusion, most people don't tell the truth because they're afraid of losing someone that's close to them and wouldn't know what to do in life without that person. Even the person you're closer to can also hide the truth from you in order to protect the friendship they've with you, but it hurts them in the long run. Another reason most people don't tell the truth because of their ego since they expect everything to go their way and they don't like the feeling of being wrong and have the mindset of being right even though they are wrong. They hold their pride more than anything in this world and can lose many friendships with that type of ego and personality. In life, it's always good to tell the truth because it'll definitely set you free from all the stress that has been built up and the weight of it can be off your shoulders, even though the truth can make the other person angry, just tell yourself that you finally told the truth when no one would.

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