Monday, May 17, 2021


 Weakness? What is weakness? What does it mean to an individual or you?

 My definition of weakness is being vulnerable to your emotions and incapable of accomplishing something you want but it’s okay to have these weaknesses. It allows you to become the better version of yourself and gain experiences next time. 

One of my weaknesses is allowing my overthinking thoughts to become the reality of my goals and losing my motivation to pursue my dreams such as becoming a writer, staying consistent with my workout, etc. This weakness is something I have been working on a lot for a couple of weeks now because I have been thinking a lot about how am I going to become a successful writer in the future, how am I going to accomplish my goals if I am unmotivated or lazy to even try. 

A second weakness I have is being too caring of a person because I would lose sleep over something that would happen to the people important to me. I know being too caring isn’t a weakness, but it’s a double-edged sword because it shows I care a lot about them and shows that I’m very reliant on their interactions. Additionally, a part of me feels lost if I don’t check up on others because it's natural for me to be check in on others. Although, I believe it’s for the best that I dial it down since I’m confident now that they are staying hydrated and eating well. 

Lastly, my biggest weakness is the thought in my mind that I will be forgotten because I wondered if I made a difference in that person's life. This thought leads me to a dark place which makes me emotional and weak because I know that I’m not forgotten and all the stuff I do matters as long as I believe in myself with a positive mindset.

In conclusion, never let your weaknesses define who you are and learn to grow out of them. It may be difficult but slowly but surely progress will be worth it and make you a stronger person. I will learn to not let my weaknesses cloud my mind or thoughts and learn to convey them in a way I know with people by my side.

“Someday your weakness can become your strength”