Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Safe place


A safe place is where you can be yourself without any judgment, being stress-free from everything that is going on in your life, and a spot you can go when you’re having a rough day. Your safe place can be anything you want it to be as long as you are comfortable and happy. For instance, your safe place can be hanging out with friends or playing games with them for a certain amount of hours, going to the gym, and lastly your room where no one can bother you. Music is one of the best safe places for many individuals because of how therapeutic it can be. You can develop many friendships through music because of the same interest/taste of bands/genres. You can also meet many amazing singers/artists by listening to their music that you can share with your friends or family. 

My safe place is hanging out with friends either online or in person because the quality time we get to spent together means a lot to me and makes me happy. Ever since I started bowling with my cousins it sparked my interest that led me to bowl more consistently. Bowling allowed me to stay active, spend quality time with my friends and family, and destress. 

Writing has definitely been one of my safe places during my free time because I’m able to express my thoughts in a form of poetry or creative writing. It makes me happy to be able to share what I wrote with the world and having the readers relate to my piece of writing. I wouldn’t have done it without the constant push of my friends that believed in me because I used to only show my writings to selective people. One of my friends told me to share my writings since it was so good to not be shown. Eventually, I gained the courage to post it on social media and I received so much feedback about how I should post more. My goal is to make everyone that believed in my writing proud by continuing to write and share it with the world. 

In conclusion, when you find a safe place where it feels like home cherish that place because it will lead you to meet amazing people that make you constantly laugh and smile. A place where you can joke around with each other without getting upset or angry is worth being in and making your life so much enjoyable. A place you can be comfortable being yourself and good vibes all around. 

“There is always one safe place for everyone and when you find it cherish that place no matter what” 

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